A group of fourth-graders in Nathan Peltz’s class at Cummings Elementary School planned to travel to Lansing today to discuss their opinions on the so-called “third-grade reading bill” with the Senate prior to their vote.
Sixteen of Peltz’s fourth-graders penned opinion pieces on House Bill 4822, which would mandate students repeat third grade if they do not show a basic level of reading proficiency on the M-Step test.
You can check out their views, both in favor of and against, in this PDF.
Peltz said every year he looks for a real-life topic for students to learn about and offer their opinions, and this year HB 4822 was chosen.
“Since my students were just in third grade last year, they were passionate about if this bill should or should not become a law,” Peltz said. “I was amazed at how they respectfully debated between one another” and the “unbelieveable job they did supporting their thinking.”
State Rep. Rob VerHeulen visited the class in February to discuss the bill, which lawmakers may take up as early as today.