Five Kent Career Technical Center students placed in the top 10 of their competition areas at the National Leadership and Skills Conference of SkillsUSA on June 20 through June 26.
Colin Verwys placed sixth overall in computer programming while Sophia Luettke placed sixth overall in architectural drafting.

The team of Patrick Badovinac, Hayley Lee and Luis Vinalay-Suastegui placed fifth overall in the Career Pathways showcase.
The four Tech Center students to represent Michigan as student officers were Haylee Lee, Oybek Kamolov, Dominic Modderman and Tenin Jabathere. They participated in leverage training with other state officers from across the country.
Seventeen Tech Center students made the trip to Louisville, Ky. to compete in eight areas: architectural drafting, Career Pathways showcase, computer programming, extemporaneous speaking, HVAC-R, interactive application and game development, robotics and telecommunications cabling.
Many of the students competed and excelled at the local, regional and state levels to earn the right to compete at the national level.

SkillsUSA aims to improve the quality of America’s skilled workforce through a program of citizenship, leadership, employability, technical and professional training for some 300,000 students every year. There are nearly 13,000 school chapters, and more than 14,500 instructors and administrators are professional members.
In another competition, student Karlee Robinson placed fourth in medical spelling at the national HOSA Future Health Professionals event.