Evidence of goodwill filled the halls of Kent Transition Center and Kent Career Tech Center in the weeks leading up to the holiday break.
At Kent Transition Center, the Principal’s Leadership Team spearheaded a coin drive to raise $764 for Toys for Tots. Also, morning early childhood careers students held a pop-can drive to support D.A. Blodgett-St. John’s homes for children and raised $133, and a bake sale held by afternoon childhood careers students garnered $225 for The Bridge of Arbor Circle, a youth shelter agency.
Students’ efforts are especially meaningful, said Kent Transition Center Principal Duane Kiley, because more than half qualify for free or reduced lunch.
As part of the national be nice. campaign, Tech Center students plastered the glass walls outside the main office with sticky notes that shared what they were grateful for.
In addition, student members of the Principal’s Leadership Team visited classrooms to rally support for a weeklong coin drive. More than $6,500 was raised — more than double the amount raised last school year — to support more than 40 Tech Center families in need.
“I could not be more proud and humbled by the giving spirit of our (entire school family),” said Tech Center Principal John Kraus. “This friendly competition amongst classes is a great way to instill the idea of service to others, being grateful for what you have, and sharing when you can.”