Voters will be asked on May 3 whether to approve a 10-year renewal of the district’s sinking fund millage, which funds repairs and maintenance of school facilities. The millage was originally approved in 1996 and renewed in 2006.
Superintendent Roger Bearup noted that the renewal would not increase the property tax rate. The owner of homes with a taxable value of $75,000 will continue to pay $105 a year.
“This renewal will allow us to do two things: address some short-term needs our recent bond was not able to take care of, and effectively maintain over the next decade the excellent facilities our community so graciously gave us.”
Repairs and maintenance that have been paid for by the sinking fund include carpet and tile replacement at all buildings, high school stadium improvements, expansion of classrooms at East Elementary and high school cafeteria expansion and choir room addition.
Grandville Public Schools Millage Information Brochure