To talk about wise use of finances in a classroom may be helpful, but there’s nothing like hearing it directly from a national expert. That was the feeling of many students at Northview High School East Campus after attending a presentation by widely admired money guru Dave Ramsey.
So said Derek Schmidt, who along with Jack Retherford teaches a personal finance course using Ramsey materials. Thanks to a grant from the Northview Education Foundation, they were able to take 25 personal-finance and economics students to Ramsey’s “Smart Money Tour” at DeVos Performance Hall recently.
Ramsey’s messages about how to pay for college, setting up an emergency fund and drawing up a budget sheet hit home with students and reinforced classroom lessons, Schmidt said.
“It was really a great event,” Schmidt said. “I saw a lot of kids talking about things like saving money, and ‘What am I going to do when I turn 18?’”
“It was really a great feeling, for both of us, to give the students a chance to benefit from things that maybe you and I know but nobody told us about.”