Staff members of the recently revived high school newspaper, The Roar, got some real-life field experience when they met with several members of the Fox 17 news team. Student staffers had Q&A time with the TV reporters and sat in on a bullpen sessionwhere stories were assigned. The meeting was “fast-paced” with “journalists flying out the door,” said Betsy Verwys, adviser to The Roar.
Students also held a roundtable discussion with people who aren’t journalists but use journalism skills in the workplace. They included an attorney, financial planner, advertising executive and marketing director, covering topics from interviewing and writing for an audience to editing and revising.
Finally, Kent ISD cognitive coach Nellie Koster led students in a 90-minute processing conversation about what they learned from the experience, and what their future plans were for The Roar.
“I believe this was the most important part of the field trip,” Verwys said. “As I listened to their conversations I heard empowerment and ownership, and energy.”
Students Find Their Voice to ‘Restore The Roar’