School: Central Elementary
Other positions you have held in education: I spent the past 11 years as an English teacher at Kenowa Hills High School. During that tenure, I taught every grade level but, by far, my favorite was teaching ninth-grade English.
How about jobs outside education? My favorite job ever (outside of working in education) was driving the Zamboni at Kentwood Ice Arena.
Spouse/children: My wife, Melissa, is a guidance counselor at East Kentwood Freshman Campus. Together we have two beautiful children, Avery, 7, and Camden, 5. Avery is going into second grade, while Camden is tackling kindergarten.

Hobbies/Interests/Little-known talent: I enjoy spending time with my family and traveling. I love being active outside, playing golf, swimming or just enjoying our beautiful spring, summer and fall seasons. We are a University of Michigan family. Go Blue. My little known talent is I cut my own hair (LOL).
What kind of kid were you at the age of students at this new school? I had a strong love for learning and being present with my friends at school. My mom was a public school teacher for 36 years, so going to school was always something I enjoyed doing with her. I was all boy growing up: I loved sports, recess and lunch. My mother taught in East Kentwood Public Schools, which is where I attended. No doubt about it, East Kentwood made me but Kenowa Hills raised me. Professionally, I have grown up here and found my way as an educator.
The biggest lesson I have learned from students is… to smile and have fun. Education, teaching and learning is challenging and difficult but very rewarding. Having a sense of humor and not taking things too seriously is such a valuable lesson I’ve learned.
If I could go back to school I would go to … second grade, because the hardest decision I had to make each day was what sandbox to play in at recess. Furthermore, during second grade, we traveled to Disney World for the first time for spring break and I thought that was so cool.
If you walked into your new school building to theme music every day, what would the song be? I am not a big music person and never really have been. Therefore, if I could have “something” playing when I walked into school each day, it would probably be ESPN sports talk radio. However, if I had to pick a song it would probably be “Happy” by Pharrell Williams.