Max Conner recently shared what he knows about diabetes: “You can get it anytime in your life,” said the Cherry Creek Elementary second grader. “And that scares me.”
Replacing the scariness with facts was one reason Max and others in Whitney Hoard’s class marked World Diabetes Day by learning about the disease.
The bigger reason, however, was their teachers: classmates Dash VanderJagt and Emily Hanner, who have firsthand knowledge of Type 1 diabetes.

The pair introduced information about the pancreas and its role — “ours don’t work, so we need to get insulin somewhere else,” Dash said.
They also explained what it’s like to poke their fingers throughout the day to test blood sugar levels, why they sometimes get extra snacks and restroom breaks, and symptoms other students can look out for, including lethargy, thirst, shakiness and confusion.
They also worked in groups to create menus for a balanced, low-carb meal, just like Dash and Emily.