Grand Rapids — Jason McGhee is the new principal at Innovation Central High School.
Previous positions in the district: Coit Creative Arts Academy principal and Innovation Central High School assistant principal.
On changing grade levels: “It’s a different tempo going from elementary to high school; you feel it when you walk in the halls. We’ve got really good kids and staff, and from the first staff meeting, I felt like I had their support. A student stopped me in the hallway after my first week and said, ‘I’m glad you’re our principal,’ and I will never forget that.”
What he’s excited about: “I’m looking forward to steering this ship in the direction it needs to go. There’s a lot of history in this school, but we also have a future. As a leader, I’m excited about creating a vision and an identity as a building and finding ways to bring back the esteem and professionalism to the profession of teaching.”