Godwin Heights — For the first time since the pandemic began, the Godwin Heights community was able to come together to share and explore the work of its students.

The District Art Show on April 28 featured more than 400 pieces of work from K-12 students who are participating in art classes this year. The exhibit was set up along the high school track, located in the auxiliary gym. Attendees could then follow the track around to look at the student art.
“This is the first year since the start of the pandemic that we have been able to have art in the middle school,” middle school art teacher Kim Urbanski said. “It was great to have the opportunity to share what the students have been doing throughout the year.”
The show included a wide range of genres, including painting, drawing, sketching, animation and sculpture. Attendees were also invited to take part in make-and-take art projects.
Just by looking at the full halls, the event was very well received, said high school art teacher Deanne Basse. She added that it was great to see so many community members coming out to support Godwin students.
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