Cedar Springs — With its newly remodeled Red Hawk Intermediate School now closer to the high school, administrators are hoping students can connect with district staff and take advantage of some of the high school facilities.
“We are excited about the opportunity for our eighth-grade students to be closer to resources at the high school, including the shared use of staff and facilities for programs like music and athletics,” said Russell Bray, Cedar Springs deputy director of operations and facilities.
And with the early childhood program on the other side of the building, educators are thinking of ways to build interaction between these young students and the eighth-graders.
“Even though eighth-graders and early childhood students will be separated within the building, some interaction, such as reading buddies, are being discussed to allow for some positive interactions between students at different stages of learning.”
The project construction manager is Triangle Associates and the architect is GMB Architecture + Engineering. This summer, a number of contractors have been at the intermediate school site upgrading HVAC and electrical systems, recarpeting offices and classrooms, painting and building a new secured entrance for the Early Childhood Center and District Office. The intermediate school project started last summer with the remodeling to house the district’s Early Childhood Center, including the addition of two classrooms.
The project is part of a $68 million bond proposal that was approved by voters in 2020. Bond funds have been allocated for improvements at every school building in the district.
Photos by Dianne Carroll Burdick

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