Wyoming — Brenna Fraser is the new principal at Parkview Elementary School. SNN gets to know her in this edition of Meet Your Administrators.
Brenna Fraser’s Converse sneakers, blazer and big glasses are all shades of purple, matching the decor in her office and the Wyoming Wolves school colors seen on the walls.
It’s her Friday look, she said, describing her personal style and how it helps her connect with students. She has seven pairs of glasses and likes to wear the purple ones to finish off the school week. She sports her red frames when she needs a “fun pop of color.”
“To me, this really comes back to being able to live in a way that you can show up as yourself,” Fraser said, explaining how she wants every student to feel like they belong.
“No matter the personality, we want our scholars to feel like they can be themselves.”
— Parkview Elementary Principal Brenna Fraser
“I’m someone who loves vibrant and colorful. It’s important as leaders that we are also modeling showing up as our true selves, so I try to do that all the way down to the glasses I choose for the day. … Without belonging, we are not going to get very far.”
Here are some other facts about Fraser:
Previous jobs in education:
- first- and fourth-grade teacher and instructional coach in Houston, Texas
- Instructional coach in all Wyoming Public Schools elementary buildings
- Kent ISD early literacy coach
- Northview High School graduate
- Bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Grand Valley State University
- Master’s degree in administration from University of Houston

What would you like to share about your family? “I am a wife and a mom. I’ve been married for five years to Matt, and we have two girls, Bella (1) and Ava (3).”
Describe your leadership style in seven words or less. “Everything is better with a team.”
What do you like about being a principal at an elementary school? “Joy. There is so much joy in being around students and it’s contagious.”
What were you like as a student? “I was shy! It’s definitely been a long journey for me to become a little bit more outgoing.
“But another thing that is so amazing (about Wyoming Public Schools) is that no matter the personality, we want our scholars to feel like they can be themselves.”
What are your interests and hobbies? “I love to read, especially now as a mom it’s a staple in our house. I love to play with my kids. I love food!”
Your perfect sandwich: “A good, solid BLT is always a good decision, with some thick-cut bacon.”
What else would you like people to know about you? “I know, because I’ve worked here before, that Parkview is an amazing building. It was such a gift to come back and collaborate and lead all of us together. Not everybody has that awareness when they step into an administrative role. I have a lot of gratitude for working with such amazing people. Our hearts are all around our scholars here.”
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