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This graduate found her passion in the arena with horses

Meet the Future: Alyxzin Taylor

Name: Alyxzin Taylor
School/grade level: Graduated senior, Kenowa Hills High School
Passion: Horseback riding — for fun and competition 

Kenowa Hills — From the moment she wakes up, senior Alyxzin Taylor is motivated to make it through her day so she can hang out with her horses, Wrangler and Mya, at their barn near Coopersville.

During her senior year, she carpooled with her mom in the mornings so she could drive out to the barn after school, to clean horse stalls and give her own horses some love and attention.

“They’re so sweet; I have the nicest horses ever,” she said.  

How old were you when riding horses became something you were interested in? What’s the story there? Alyxzin grew up around her grandpa’s horses and said one of her earliest memories is riding his horse, Star. 

“I’ve always loved horses. Star would always come up to me and I got to ride her a few times (before) he sold his horses,” she said. 

Recent Kenowa Hills High School graduate Alyxzin Taylor and her horse, Wrangler, have won several first-, second- and third-place ribbons for accumulating the most points for their performance

When she decided to take up riding again at 12 or 13, she found Windmill Acres and a “big, lazy” horse named Tia. 

“We started learning together and it all started clicking,” she said. “We did well at shows and then she got pregnant with Wrangler. I helped during the birthing process and now … He’s three now and we’re doing really well.” 

A few related accomplishments: Alyxzin said she and Wrangler go to horse shows almost every weekend. Together, they’ve won several first-, second- and third-place ribbons in multiple classes, or categories. Alyxzin leads Wrangler on foot in the halter class, where he is judged on color and body type. 

The two take to the arena to demonstrate Alyxzin’s riding style and ability to show her horse during English and Western equitation; and Wrangler needs to appear comfortable, calm and ride smoothly to receive top marks in pleasure classes.

“In competition, it’s just you and the horse,” she said. “You and your horse are a team. I enjoy the showing aspect, the competition and I enjoy working with my horse.” 

The two were named All Breed Open and All Breed Open Ranch Grand Reserve Grand Champions in the Buckskin Horse Association of Michigan show at the Ionia County Fairgrounds in May. Alyxzin also competed on Kenowa Hills’ equestrian team. 

Is there a teacher who has had a big impact on you in this area? During high school, Alyxzin learned to manage her time spent riding, completing her school work and attending college classes at Grand Rapids Community College through Kenowa Hills’ middle college program

Recent Kenowa Hills High School graduate Alyxzin Taylor, left, poses with a fellow member of their school’s equestrian team at a competition

Alyxzin said she would go to Katrina Young, Kenowa Hills High School transitions coordinator, for help balancing her high school and GRCC class load, freeing up more time to get back to the barn. 

“Sometimes, I would get my homework done at the barn,” she said. “I could be at the barn all morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then go to GRCC for class.”  

Do you plan to pursue your passion professionally? In the near future, Alyxzin plans to continue riding and showing her horses, but plans to pursue a more “hands-on” career path. 

“I’m going to start welding at GRCC (in the fall.) I’m excited to get my associate degree and go off and weld. If welding doesn’t work out, I’m going to work hands-on with animals or something in agriculture.” 

The biggest lesson you have learned from balancing horse-mom life, high school and college classes is … “I learned that I need to advocate for myself.”

Recent Kenowa Hills High School graduate Alyxzin Taylor and shows off her awards with her pet goat after winning first prize at the 2023 Hudsonville Community Fair

Alyxzin said she struggled with learning disabilities during middle and high school that impacted her ability to keep her mind on track to finish assignments on time. With help from an Individual Education Program plan and understanding teachers, she progressed at her own pace. 

“I used to be scared to talk to my teacher about getting my homework done … but I needed to learn a different way,” she said. “I’ve learned to take my time and understand that I’m allowed to have time.”

Other hobbies/interests: Including her two horses, Alyxzin and her family have 27 animals. She plans to show her cow, Donald Rump, goats and pigs at fairs this summer. Every year for their Christmas card, Alyxzin said her six dogs pose for a photo wearing shirts to match their human family members.

Read more from Kenowa Hills: 
Capstones: homelessness, school improvements, animal shelters
Club aims to help peers navigate post-high school options

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Alexis Stark
Alexis Stark
Alexis Stark is a reporter covering Byron Center, Caledonia, Godfrey-Lee, Kenowa Hills and Thornapple Kellogg. She grew up in metro Detroit and her journalism journey brought her west to Grand Rapids via Michigan State University where she covered features and campus news for The State News. She also co-authored three 100-question guides to increase understanding and awareness of various human identities, through the MSU School of Journalism. Following graduation, she worked as a beat reporter for The Ann Arbor News, covering stories on education, community, prison arts and poetry, before finding her calling in education reporting and landing at SNN. Alexis is also the author of a poetry chapbook, “Learning to Sleep in the Middle of the Bed.”


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