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Charles Honey

Charles Honey
Charles Honey is an editor and also helps to develop series and issues stories for all districts. He is also producer of the SNN podcast, "Study Hall." As a reporter for The Grand Rapids Press/MLive from 1985 to 2009, his beats included Grand Rapids Public Schools, local colleges and education issues. He served as editor of The Press’ award-winning Religion section for 15 years and its columnist for 20. His freelance articles have appeared in Christianity Today, Religion News Service and Faith & Leadership magazine.

Thomas to Help Lead College Board Region

Northview High School Principal Mark Thomas has been named chair-elect of the College Board's Midwestern Regional Office. His election at the Midwest Regional Forum...

‘Guide Them in The Learning’

On a typical day at Grand Rapids Montessori School, several things are happening: Seventh-grader Tyrell Henriques is creating a poster about the social pyramid of...

Schoolhouse Rocks

Wendy Falb vividly remembers cleaning the filthy steps of Fountain School one day, back when her older son attended Montessori School there. Fixing up...

One for Every Child

Teacher Tara Dzirbowicz puts a number on a projector screen for her fifth-graders: 0.75. Their task: write two other numbers with the same number...