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Erin Albanese

Erin Albanese
Erin Albanese is managing editor and reporter, covering Kentwood, Lowell and Wyoming. She was one of the original SNN staff writers, helping launch the site in 2013, and enjoys fulfilling the mission of sharing the stories of public education. She has worked as a journalist in the Grand Rapids area since 2000. A graduate of Central Michigan University, she has written for The Grand Rapids Press, Advance Newspapers, On-the-Town Magazine and Group Tour Media. Read Erin's full bio

‘King of the Leap Year Parade’

Godfrey-Lee Early Childhood Center second-grader Eviel Alvarez-Martinez was named Leap Year King on Feb. 29 to celebrate his second real birthday. While Eviel is 8...

Meeting the Griffins, Learning to Take a Slap-shot

Kelloggsville Middle School sixth-grade students were treated to an unexpected surprise recently, compliments of Kelloggville Public Schools: a trip to a Grand Rapids Griffins...

Kindergartners Say the Darndest Things

West Elementary kindergarten teacher Julie Merrill had students analyzing data, guessing what Dibels are (answer: a reading assessment) and talking about kindergarten recently in a thank-you...

Responding to the Mean Girl

Parent Sophia Gork played the "mean girl" to Marcia McEvoy during a Kelloggsville Public Schools workshop on helping students get along at school. "Loser," Gork...