Rehearsals at Sparta High School for the recent production of “The Diary of Anne Frank” have been challenging. On top of the difficult subject matter, the...
In Kent City Community Schools, where some 53 percent of students qualify for free or reduced-price lunches, the usual problems of poverty persist. But...
Ask them why they had to enroll in the High School’s Student Council and immediately a flood of adjectives spills out.Students’ deluge of descriptions...
Fred Groenke remembers nearly 20 years ago when Veterans Day wasn't widely celebrated. That's when he began an annual tradition at Kent City High School,...
When Principal Bridget Cheney looks at Congress Elementary School she sees a vibrant community following on the heals of the decade-long revitalization happening in...
With an ample supply of creativity and teamwork, the Caledonia High School Student Council and classmates made Fright Night Haunted Forest fundraiser a monster...
There’s a rumor circulating around Kent ISD that Special Education Director Laurie VanderPloeg has a couple of identical sisters. Not just one, but two.
A collective gasp filled Rockford High School's auditorium when Rachel Ramsey Cruze told the story of a 20-something college graduate who had amassed $90,000...
Kent Career Technical Center offers real life learning to prepare high school students for careers. The center is part of the Kent Intermediate School...
A unique partnership between Kent Career Tech Center and Ferris State University (FSU) that provides high school culinary students with college courses, was honored...