Educators have long recognized the value of music, art, drama and writing for students’ creative development and academic success. This series highlights the many enriching ways students are experiencing the arts.
‘Musical Moods,’ a recruiting tool for high school students, is a long-standing tradition, started 73 years ago. The performance debuts at 7 p.m. Friday, March 26 in a livestream format...
A Southeast Kelloggsville Elementary music teacher has a new cart for her ukuleles, thanks to her school, her husband and the Kent Career Tech Center...
Determined to bring back choir in a safe manner, this teacher made changes to her classes based on the latest scientific research and best practices by fellow teachers...
Over 120 choral students in grades 9-12 will join voices in a virtual choir to celebrate the graduations of about 45 senior singers, in a prerecorded concert to be posted on the Rockford Choirs YouTube channel...
Tanith Frank, an eighth grader at North Rockford Middle School, sounds notes of courage and determination in her poem about getting through this challenging time, together...
Trumpeter Marcus Printup brought the jazzy notes of Duke Ellington to Byron Center High School recently, where he spent a full school day with the jazz band rehearsing classics...
Students in Tonya Woods’ independent study class will be decorating the 'Big Yellow Chair' for the village of Middleville throughout the month of March...
Study Hall highlights the students, teachers and others making education magic happen every day in classrooms across Kent County and beyond. We will introduce you to amazing students, dynamite teachers and brainy education experts.