Educators have long recognized the value of music, art, drama and writing for students’ creative development and academic success. This series highlights the many enriching ways students are experiencing the arts.
"Zinga, zinga, zinga, zoo."
"Higher ... now higher ... still higher," said vocal teacher Linda Tata.
The boys repeated the melodic phrase in higher and higher...
Most elementary students have never attended an opera. Coit Creative Arts Academy fourth- and fifth-grade students have created, produced and performed one.
The project, done...
Northview High School sophomore Nick Ensing's drawing depicts a colorful, detailed royal court, staffed by doe-eyed kings, queens and jesters.
Junior Ellie Haveman's photo is...
Elizabeth Catlin tentatively plucked a few notes on a violin after eighth-graders McKenzie Watkoski and Presley Avery showed her how. The she gamely played...
From imaginative paintings and sculptures to soothing songs and a silky sax solo, Union High and Westwood Middle school students recently shared their artistic...
Forest Hills Eastern High orchestra students joined forces recently with The Moxie Strings for a night of upbeat contemporary music. But before they did,...
With colorful petals radiating from a bright orange center, the mandala Circle of Art rug represents the universe and all its connectivity.
For members of...
Study Hall highlights the students, teachers and others making education magic happen every day in classrooms across Kent County and beyond. We will introduce you to amazing students, dynamite teachers and brainy education experts.