This series focuses on STEM, the cross-curricular approach to teaching science, technology, engineering and math, and the ways students are learning through fast-paced, out-of-your-seat projects and lessons designed to expose students to emerging career fields.
Making hydro-gels? Learning Math Magic? Touring a college? There are countless learning opportunities and career pathways in STEM, and fifth-graders from Bowen, Townline and Southwood Elementary schools experienced them in a hands-on way by working with experts at Davenport University...
What’s better than simply reading about Newton’s laws of motion? Students getting on a hovercraft and experiencing those laws of motion for themselves...
Robotics students from Forest Hills high schools team up with Upcycle Bikes to provide refurbished bicycles to refugees and others in need of wheels...
The STEM class for elementary students at Pine Island and Stoney Creek is a big hit with students and parents. And they can always use donated materials...
Study Hall highlights the students, teachers and others making education magic happen every day in classrooms across Kent County and beyond. We will introduce you to amazing students, dynamite teachers and brainy education experts.