This series focuses on STEM, the cross-curricular approach to teaching science, technology, engineering and math, and the ways students are learning through fast-paced, out-of-your-seat projects and lessons designed to expose students to emerging career fields.
Grandville High School introduced a new option this spring: an independent study course that trains students on how to become certified drone pilots...
These high school STEM students learned that cardboard and masking tape alone won’t make for worthy vessels. But the lesson was not about floating their boat...
More than 100 projects filled the East Kentwood High School Fieldhouse – highlighting the many options and possibilities available to students in STEM...
Materials for the project came from a Discovering STEM kit, donated by Grand Valley State University. The recently discontinued program was run by the GVSU’s Regional Math and Science Center...
Study Hall highlights the students, teachers and others making education magic happen every day in classrooms across Kent County and beyond. We will introduce you to amazing students, dynamite teachers and brainy education experts.