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Inadequate funding – even in affluent districts – still short-changes students

It’s not just poorer districts feeling the pain from Michigan’s inadequate school funding, officials say. Higher-income districts are also pinched by the funding formula and having to make cuts...

Student Services Team created to focus on mental health

The team will focus on additional staffing, community education, professional development and initiatives to maintain positive images of the importance of mental health...

A limp can’t slow this high-achieving fighter who helps others

Lauren Hudson, the most recent student recipient of the YWCA West Central Michigan’s Tribute Award, overcame the painful effects of a rare hip disease to do great work in school and for others...

On the air and giving up recess

Students at Caledonia Elementary are getting a better feel for the news industry producing their own shows, thanks to a grant from the Caledonia Schools Education Foundation...

Their writing is tops with readers, judges

A pair of students from two West Michigan public schools took high honors in the seventh annual Write Michigan short story contest, hosted by Kent District Library and Schuler Books & Music...

Elementary students use website to share artwork with family, others

The goal is for students to have a digital art portfolio that encompasses K-12 art projects by the time they graduate. It’s ideal for families from split households and for relatives who don’t live nearby...

Reporting school news in high-def, thanks to grant

Students in Mike Wilson’s TV production program produce a daily newscast for the school community using high-definition software funded by the Caledonia Education Foundation...

Caledonia High School students teach third-graders about their favorite explorers

Third-graders at Caledonia's Kettle Lake Elementary school had an exclusive lesson in world history recently when they traveled to Caledonia High School, where ninth-grade creative writing and world history students had written kids’ books about their favorite world explorers...
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