The big wooden playground known as The Boardwalk stood on the Kettle Lake Elementary School playground for nearly three decades, a beloved place for...
Paris Ridge Elementary School second-graders considered words to describe Dave Smith, or "Mr. Dave," the man who drives them to and from school.
"Nice!" "He's...
A district third-grade team placed seventh in the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals.
Caledonia’s team tackled a No-Cycle Recycle problem that required them to...
Each year, many personal stories are tied to Duncan Lake Middle School's annual Cancer Walk, which has raised more than $100,000 for cancer research...
Cement walls are going up, bulldozers are pushing tons of dirt and construction signs have been posted seemingly everywhere as progress continues on the...
Using grant-funded equipment to take video of students reading books aloud is giving some youngsters at Paris Ridge Elementary a way to practice verbal...
Fourteen Caledonia High School art students' photographs, ceramics work, etchings, drawings, collages and paintings earned honors at the Scholastic Art Awards competition.
Twenty digital images,...