Amer Bektaš is the son of Bosnian refugees, a sports enthusiast and radio voice, and is months away from being the first generation in his family to graduate college...
The center is funded by the May 2020 passage of the district’s $88.09 million bond proposal for the construction of a new elementary school and athletic complex, along with safety and security updates, and facility repairs and upgrades...
To celebrate 1948 Caledonia alumnus and football team captain, Caledonia High School invited Eugene Raab to be the honorary captain at the homecoming football game...
The new “Caledonia Community Schools” app is designed to help keep students, parents, and staff connected with calendars, extra-curricular updates, access to grades and more...
Approaching the end of her senior year, she is learning to grieve with grace and share her emotions through writing, after the death of her older sister in 2016...
Dutton Elementary fifth-grade student Zack Zupin is the winner of the Readers’ Choice Award in the Youth category of Write Michigan Contest, hosted by the Kent District Library...