Smith has been in education for 25 years — as a teacher, a principal or in other administration roles. “That collection of experience prepared me for this opportunity in Cedar Springs” he said...
In her 12 years working with the district, Shelly Alvarez has taught kindergarten, first, second and fifth grades -- and she’s been to summer camp with many of her students...
After narrowing the candidate field to one, the Board of Education voted unanimously to extend the offer to Smith, who has been serving as Assistant Superintendent for Hudsonville Public Schools...
Figuring out how to pay for college presents a number of challenges, and filling out financial aid forms is often the most difficult. But Jordon wasn’t worried...
Interim Superintendent Mark Dobias says his primary focus is on the future of the district, and he sees his role as providing “support for transition between now and when a new superintendent is appointed by the board”
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