Students from a handful of area high schools are making an impact at two West Michigan organizations tasked with helping refugee students and their families succeed...
A Forest Hills Northern High School graduate born in war-torn Somalia plans to leverage the opportunities he has been given in this country to help children and families adjust to the U.S. and its culture...
Government day is an experience-based approach to learning about basic government skills, specifically how a bill becomes a law. The entire day is completed through role play
More than 100 Knapp Forest Elementary second-graders became “frozen” wax characters who occupied displays in the school’s classrooms and hallways to recite stories they had written
Business teacher Brian Johnson’s students are taking an in-depth look at money this semester. As part of that, they are examining how they view money so far
The number 17 served as a marker not only for moments of silence in honor of those killed, but for students’ thoughts on how to make schools safer and kinder
Mastermind is a group of West Michigan teachers, principals, social workers and other educators who have met monthly at Van Andel Education Institute this school year, working together to overcome challenges common to many of them
More and more schools are using restorative practices as a proactive way to handle behavior. At Ada Elementary, teachers have started to use them when teaching content
As his classmates glued, cut, pasted and painted around him, Ada Vista Elementary fourth-grader Marcus Benard quietly alternated different colors of permanent markers to...
The two classrooms-turned-newsroom of the student news website, The Central Trend, are a steady buzz of activity on a winter afternoon just before the...
Freshman Daniel Zawodny can tell you about a courtyard confrontation between artistic rivals Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.
And while freshman Brock Sweezie admits he’s...