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HomeForest Hills

Forest Hills

With his leadership, innovation & relationships flourished

Dan Behm has served the district for 17 years, the longest of any current superintendent in Kent County. Colleagues describe him as a caring ‘servant leader’ who always puts students first...

Forest Hills eyes interim superintendent

The board has entered into contract negotiations with Dr. Sara Magaña Shubel and has chosen Michigan Leadership Institute for nationwide search for the next superintendent...

Positive energy as bright as spring sunshine

Three words from lead teacher Amy Goebels led Nancy Sullivan to bring her affinity for young children to life in Collins Elementary’s Great Start Readiness Program...

Working — and studying — for a living

A recent national news story about exploitation of children in West Michigan workplaces prompts new legislation and emphasizes the importance of school-issued work permits in ensuring student safety and well-being...

Alien soil grows familiar plants

Sudents in Avery Barry’s Central Middle School’s Project Lead the Way class will discover if growing food on Mars might be a promising prospect as they tend seeds planted in simulated Martian soil and compare results with seeds grown in Earth soil...
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