North Godwin Elementary School students learned just how much agriculture affects their lives, from the food they eat to the diapers their younger siblings...
Godwin Heights Middle School sixth-grader Sena Gonzalez noticed something good among her classmates last year. They took the time to understand each other.
Students were...
The blue sky above Godwin Heights Middle School was dotted with red balloons recently as students launched them up, declaring themselves committed to a...
Linda Kibbey carefully inspected the bank of tables and chairs that were for sale at the school district’s recent used furniture sale. Her shopping...
Wearing a fluorescent vest and clutching a handheld "stop" sign, crossing guard Cherrie Medendorp makes sure West Godwin Elementary students like Sataya McBride walk...
Name: Rinard Pugh
School: Godwin Heights Middle School
What and where was your previous job? My most previous job was Holland Public Schools. I worked at Holland...
Despite the sweltering summer evening, Deandre Kilgore wears a sweatshirt he occasionally zips up with the hood draped over his head.
The teen is open...
Retired National Basketball Association player Mateen Cleaves is offering a three-day camp for students to improve their shooting form and teach them life skills.
There's more to competitive cheerleading than performing heart-stopping extended split stunts and the toe touch basket toss. Godwin Height High School team members say...
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