Grandville High School introduced a new option this spring: an independent study course that trains students on how to become certified drone pilots...
The Grandville High School child psychology class, which teaches how children develop physically, socially, emotionally, intellectually and morally, brought in kids for some observational learning...
In an era when nearly nothing for schools has been stable, parent volunteer Lacey Funke has been a constant presence for the Cummings Elementary community...
A Grandville High School graduate’s project to save salamanders in the U.P. offers a model for “big-picture” education, a Van Andel Institute for Education editor says...
Students in AP Environmental Science recently took a trip out to Buck Creek to learn more about its aquatic ecosystem by doing some water quality testing...
She is the new assistant principal for Century Park Learning Center and Grand View Elementary. SNN gets to know her in this edition of Meet Your Administrators...
This multi-award-winning physics teacher and robotics coach has made it his mission to keep doors open for students and encourage young women to pursue STEM careers...
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