When eighth-grader Jaden Delosh started attending the middle school right after spring break, he was happy to have Ke'Waun Blackmon show him around.
"It gave...
Teacher Mary Lewandoski remembers a student making a firm statement while studying endangered species: "It's all because of humans."
"Save that thought," Lewandoski recalled telling...
A disorganized sixth-grader is certainly not a rarity, but might normally fly under a busy teacher's radar. Damian Cervantes, however, is getting the help...
Second-grade teacher Patrick Sokol is working to close gaps in achievement seen in students raised in poverty, and he's zeroing in on helping students...
The completely renovated Kelloggsville High School is taking shape, with the opening of eight spacious new classrooms bordering a large common learning area where...
In a small room within the teacher's lounge, Southeast Elementary School fourth-grader Aubrianna Vernon focused on the consonant blend, "spr." With her index finger,...
High School English language teacher Edith Trumbell spends her days with students from Mexico, China, Congo, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Syria, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala...
Second-grader Alvaro Guizar hit a foam tennis ball over the net in the gymnasium. "Nice backswing. I like that swing!" yelled West Kelloggsville Elementary...
East Kelloggsville Elementary School kindergartner Ricky Brooks threw his arms around Student Service Coordinator Christie Alexander in a big hug. "Thank you!" he exclaimed.
Alexander had...
School: Kelloggsville High School
What and where was your previous job? Principal of Northrop High School in Fort Wayne Community Schools, in Indiana
Degrees: Bachelor's degree...
Janna Schneider wanted an easier way for neighborhood students to get books since no public library is within walking distance.
So the Southeast Kelloggsville Elementary...