Danielle Storey leads a line of bundled-up kindergartners through the halls of Central Elementary School, to an exit where parents wait by their cars...
Twenty-eight students lie on the floor of a darkened classroom, cloth masks over their eyes, silently listening to the soothing murmur of ocean waves...
Just after taking their seats in the newly renovated Alpine Elementary School, LeAnn’s Smoes’ fourth-graders piped up when she asked what they liked about...
Assistant Superintendent Mike Burde has been named president-elect of the Michigan Association of State and Federal Program Specialists, an organization to help local school...
The more students in Jim Kendra’s social-studies classes learned about modern-day slavery, the more they wanted to do something about it.
Out of their concern...
Jared Scheidel ambles onto the ballfield and members of the Knights varsity baseball team greet him as they get ready for practice.
“What’s up, coach...