How do you replace an annual spring event that draws thousands? That was the challenge creatively answered by staff and students at the high school programs of Kent ISD...
With a low number of applications and a concern for rebuilding connectedness among staff, the Kent ISD board has suspended its superintendent search...
Twenty regional winners competed for the chance to represent West Michigan at the National Spelling Bee. This was the first time some students competed in an in-person event since the pandemic began...
Students will have the opportunity to explore three specialty high school programs virtually during online open house events from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, March 25...
While parents and educators use assessments to determine many kinds of student learning, a local researcher urges caution with testing from the pandemic year...
From custom decals, to pneumatics and desserts, Kent Career Tech Center students were hard at work when School News Network stopped by last week to catch them in action...
Looking to meet the interests of area students and the needs of local businesses, Kent Career Tech Center added the Medical Assistant program to its course offerings this year...
Lincoln School special education teacher, Ann Post believes there is 'hope on the horizon' for Kent ISD teachers and educators across Kent County after receiving her first round of the COVID-19 vaccine...
Study Hall highlights the students, teachers and others making education magic happen every day in classrooms across Kent County and beyond. We will introduce you to amazing students, dynamite teachers and brainy education experts.