Superintendents: they heard you.
Teachers: they heard you.
Parents: they heard you, too.
Gov. Snyder and Grand Rapids executive John Kennedy last week joined legislators, members of...
There was the time Kent Innovation High School student Anna Reynolds' group surveyed the community on their knowledge of human trafficking. Or the time...
They are at a higher risk for homelessness, alcohol and substance abuse, harassment, assaults, suicide, dropping out of school and truancy.
But progress continues to...
West Michigan teachers and administrators recently heard the five common practices that lead to success in reading, and many are ready to implement those...
While voters statewide roundly thumped Proposal 1 in Tuesday’s elections, Kent County residents delivered mixed results to five local school districts.
Voters narrowly approved a...
Christie Ramsey is disappointed Proposal 1 did not pass. But whatever lawmakers do now, she said, they had better not touch her children’s schools.
As principal at Kent Career Tech Center, John Kraus leads a more-than 100-member staff for more than 20 career-focused programs.
He also oversees the educations...
Though real bombs are almost never preceded by warnings, school districts need step-by-step policies in place to respond to every incident, law enforcement officials...
Study Hall highlights the students, teachers and others making education magic happen every day in classrooms across Kent County and beyond. We will introduce you to amazing students, dynamite teachers and brainy education experts.