Students and employers built some valuable connections recently during the second session of the Engineering Explorers program. The program began in spring 2013 and...
Training educators to respond to early symptoms of mental illness is critical, and an approach 30 educators learned during a recent Mental Health First...
The superintendents took part in the house-renovation session, titled KISA Superintendent Build Day 2013, hosted by Charles Rushmore, a financial advisor who works with...
While the new Downtown Market bustles with vendors peddling food and customers choosing meat and produce, Kent Career Tech Center students are hard at...
When Kaleab Mamo arrived in Michigan from his native Ethiopia, he started his freshman year at Creston High School speaking no English.
Now, he’s finished...
Nineteen students hunch intently over their papers and scratch away with pens and pencils. Their English writing assignment this morning: In what way has...
Gage Schell led tours of the Informational Technology program at Kent Career Tech Center, articulately explaining the program to adult visitors. He served on...
Study Hall highlights the students, teachers and others making education magic happen every day in classrooms across Kent County and beyond. We will introduce you to amazing students, dynamite teachers and brainy education experts.