Families, students and staff can look forward to new fine arts facilities, equitable nutrition and broader education opportunities, following the passage of a $192.15 million bond...
District voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly passed a proposed $192.15 million bond that will pay for substantial school upgrades and a new year-round K-8 school, all without a tax increase...
This fifth-grade teacher, a finalist for the 2020 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science, loves to get her students involved in STEM projects using design thinking...
Kentwood leaders say word of mouth brings teachers of color and those looking to teach in the most diverse district in the state. Staff members are trained to be aware of biases and remove them from the hiring process...
Voters will consider a $192.15 million bond proposal Tuesday, May 4 that if passed will fund a new K-8 school for students who opt for a balanced calendar school-year schedule, a new Career Technology Education Center and upgrades and enhancements to all district facilities...
Study Hall highlights the students, teachers and others making education magic happen every day in classrooms across Kent County and beyond. We will introduce you to amazing students, dynamite teachers and brainy education experts.