Schools -- urban, suburban and rural -- are seeing increased numbers of homeless students and fewer options for housing because of high rents and scarce vacancies...
When Tonya Elias lost her daughter in a tragic accident five years ago, she decided to start a nonprofit in Brookelyn’s name, using the life insurance money received after her death...
Each Friday teacher Todd Jongekrijg gives his fourth graders a topic for a weekly blog competition. They publish their blogs and comment on each other’s for points...
Another benefit has been increased parental involvement. After parents watched the Tiger Talk segment about reading night, attendance doubled over last year’s event...
An effort to increase diversity in books in the district has resulted in an allocation of $1,500 per teacher for new titles, and a continued priority to keep shelves stocked and current...
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer visited second-graders at Meadowlawn Elementary to talk about what it’s like to have her job. She also weighed in on state issues with the media...
Leading Educators involves about 50 educators in Godwin Heights, Wyoming, Godfrey-Lee, Kentwood and Grand Rapids Public Schools who have signed on for a two-year commitment...
District-wide, more than 400 Pinewood, Valleywood and Crestwood middle school students went summer-book shopping to end the school year, each choosing three free books to read while school’s out...
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