Parent volunteer Melissa Kelley-Carey says even the smallest amount of time is a big help, and that help doesn’t always come in the form of hours clocked
Book lovers and those with opinions were welcome for the middle school's second annual Mock Newbery club, which tackled many of the same books as their adult counterparts
Gwen Hackett hurried into a meeting with guidance counselor Tory Parsons and apologized for being a few minutes late. She'd just come from rehearsal...
If the experiments going on in the laboratory of Heather DeJonge's Lowell High School research class look like they could be happening in a true scientific context, it's because they actually are.
Gifts for Learning
Following are the most recent grants awarded by the Lowell Education Foundation:
Mock Newbery club, $300, Middle School
Kindergarten science inquiry, $539,...
Fourth-graders had one task when they visited the pond behind the Wittenbach/Wege Environmental Agriscience Center building for a lesson in species adaptation: "If it's...
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