Creative, innovative, imaginative ... Many of today's students are all that and more in a vast variety of interest areas. This series features students with exceptional and unusual gifts...
Students learn how to use design thinking in their creative process through a semester-long class called Creative Problem-Solving. Open to any grade, it was introduced about five years ago...
The pair of West Michigan jazz bands will be two of just six high school ensembles to play at the internationally renowned four-day festival, in its 40th year...
Kent County adults who work with youth in various fields joined several high school students in addressing that question during Wedgwood Christian Services’ recent State of the Child event ...
When Don Zandbergen was suspended from school the second semester of his junior year, he knew he could just not go back. That thought lasted about a second...
Teachers, guidance counselors, administrators and business leaders developed the program, which ties together academic and career education. Students earn credit for exploring and learning about careers, and for some, even while earning money...
Third-grade teachers in Sparta, Northview, Kentwood and Wyoming are participating this year in a pilot program that ties Next Generation Science Standards-aligned lessons with lessons in math and literacy...
Fourth graders learn Morse code as an intro to the science of binary communication, giving them a ‘secret language’ as part of Michigan’s Next Generation Science Standards...
The near-resignation of district Superintendent M. Scott Korpak has prompted a leadership restructure that not only will keep him in the position he has held for six years, but could serve as a model to other districts...