Sarah Gammans has long helped students at the high school work through academic issues and personal problems. She was recently recognized for her excellence...
When it comes to measuring student achievement, the measuring stick should be all about individual growth. So said state Superintendent Brian Whiston in a...
About halfway through a tour of Northview High School and its Deaf & Hard of Hearing Program, junior Bozena Sneller asked state Superintendent Brian...
It happened when Northview High School soccer teammates Tyler Menhart and Noah Weeda were working out together one day last spring. Tyler turned around...
High school jazzers from Byron Center and Northview are heading to swing central. The Byron Center High School Jazz Orchestra and the Northview High...
Two new administrators hired to replace an official charged with embezzlement say they will work to improve employee relations while providing comprehensive services.
Betty Nelson...
Running through Northview High School sophomore Hamin Gil’s mind recently were the melodic lines he spent weeks memorizing so he and other marching band...
Michaella Barton didn’t know much about the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald before she joined the cast of “Ten November,” a musical dramatization of...