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HomeProfiles of Students, Staff, Teachers

Profiles of Students, Staff, Teachers

Dads demonstrate dedication to students and learning

To celebrate our 10th anniversary, your School News Network team is re-publishing some early stories from each school district. This story, originally published in February 2015, talks to fathers who are discovering the ins and outs of public education thanks to the WATCH D.O.G.S. program.

Northview grad is a future forest mapper 

It’s been nearly six years since Calder Burton inspired what quickly became one of our most popular series, Meet The Future. We recently checked back in with Calder, at a park, because — you’ll read why.

A decade in, teaching is still all about relationships

The world of education has changed significantly in the past decade; no one knows that better than the educators who have seen it firsthand, like middle-school teacher Courtney Gritter. 

Teaching young leaders: Freshmen leave class more confident, compassionate

To celebrate our 10th anniversary, your School News Network team is re-publishing some early stories from each school district. This story, originally published in March 2014, looks at a teen leadership program designed to help Kentwood freshmen “take the steering wheel in their personal lives.

Middle-schoolers join EGR’s Engage 1:1 program

To celebrate our 10th anniversary, your School News Network team is re-publishing some early stories from each school district. This story, originally published in fall 2013, takes a look at the changes in instruction when East Grand Rapids first rolled out the 1:1 model of a laptop for each middle-school student.
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