School News Network continues its reporting on how districts, teachers and families are helping students learn both inside andoutside the school walls during the coronavirus pandemic. We want to serve our schools and you, our readers, during this challenging time, so please send us your ideas for stories we should be telling and questions that should be answered. Thank you, and live safely!
Principal Cheryl Corpus began Parent Zoom sessions the second week of the district’s Continuity of Learning Plan, and often more than a dozen parents logged on to ask questions and connect with staff and each other...
Much is still to be determined about reopening for the 2020-2021 school year, and superintendents are preparing for various scenarios. Families are asked to complete a survey to provide input and share their opinions...
A piece of area history through the eyes of an eighth grader who, via an optional enrichment class exercise, produced a photo essay on her family’s home...
Poignant submissions from Kent County students are sprinkled throughout the growing collections of COVID-19 stories on the websites of both the Grand Rapids Public Library and the Grand Rapids Public Museum...
Comstock Park’s preschool teachers have gotten creative with online learning with their students including weekly Zoom meetings, story time, closed Facebook groups and themed activities...
From anxious students to stressed parents, school mental-health workers are addressing the social and emotional problems exacerbated by the coronavirus shutdown...
Study Hall highlights the students, teachers and others making education magic happen every day in classrooms across Kent County and beyond. We will introduce you to amazing students, dynamite teachers and brainy education experts.