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HomeSchool 2.0

School 2.0

District schools donate protective goggles to local hospital

When Metro Health Hospital did not get a shipment of supplies that was supposed to include protective eyewear, a community member reached out to Grandville Public Schools Superintendent Roger Bearup...

Teachers send love to students; students say right back atcha

With school abruptly ended for the rest of the year, we’ve seen how deeply teachers care about their students -- even across the chasm of social distancing – and how much their students miss them...

Business as usual

While traditional brick-and-mortar schools had to close due to the statewide stay-at-home order, online learning continued for these students and staff...

School 2.0: tips from the pros

As K-12 districts roll out their Continuity of Learning Plans this week, and students across Kent ISD and beyond make the transition to online learning as a primary means for most, those who have been doing it for a while have some advice...

Seniors of 2020: ‘We wouldn’t change it for the world’

Sparta High School students have a long history of doing interesting and innovative work with all kinds of technology. But their most recent work, titled simply 'Sparta High School Class 2020 Senior Video,' is already touching hearts all over the community...

Amid the virus gloom, schools shine rays of goodness

For every storm cloud there’s a rainbow on the horizon, and in the midst of coronavirus, there are plenty of bright spots to illuminate -- especially in the world of education...

Broadcast class video showcases teachers reading, singing, exercising

Students in Rockford High School’s award-winning Beyond the Rock class put together a snazzy video to highlight how teachers have reached out to students following the March 16 school closure...

Reaching students, helping families

Many students with disabilities need full-time care and receive speech, physical and occupation therapy through school. That typically requires physical interaction...
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