Editor's note: Schools across Kent County observed Veterans Day with a variety of events. Here is a sampling.
Byron Center
Boys Scouts brought up the...
Voters paved the the way Tuesday for major renovations and districtwide upgrades by decisively approving a $79.5 million bond. Work will begin as soon...
To learn about an upcoming school bond proposal, high school business students are zeroing in on their neighbors by using the Design Thinking process.
Voters will consider a bond proposal Tuesday, Nov. 7 that, without raising property owners' current tax rate, would fund $79.5 million in district-wide improvements....
Teresa Dood, Parkview Elementary's Kent School Services Network coordinator, brings an awareness that is deep and real to her job linking families with resources.
Five young apple trees grow outside West Elementary School. They are the beginnings of the Beverly Bryan Community Orchard, which could someday flourish with...
Playing piano moves Becca Hanson's soul. That's why she makes it about something bigger than herself. She likes to share that feeling – indulgent,...
As a mother and grandmother, Teresa Weatherall Neal knows well the value of family. And as superintendent of nearly 17,000 Grand Rapids Public Schools...
A fence illustration is often used to show the difference between equality and equity.
Two pictures each show three children, one tall, one short and...
School: West Elementary
Other positions you have held in education (title, school, district, state):
Sixth-and-seventh-grade social studies teacher at Jackson Park Junior High School
The entire staff of educators started the school year with a morning of celebration last Monday at Grand Rapids First Church, in Wyoming.
The fanfare...
Wyoming's Parkview Elementary School teachers demonstrated their love for new school supplies at the Teacher Resource Store, where they left with cartloads of notebooks,...
Study Hall highlights the students, teachers and others making education magic happen every day in classrooms across Kent County and beyond. We will introduce you to amazing students, dynamite teachers and brainy education experts.