With superhero capes to go with their super-wide grins, Oriole Park Elementary students sat in a circle, passing around an invisible "whoosh" from person...
Third-grader Dion Idrizi has advice about caring for the planet that everyone should hear.
"It's nice to recycle because if you don't, the entire Earth...
When Vicki Johnston challenged Parkview Elementary School students to choose a community-service project, they overwhelmingly chose a cause: "Trash the Trash."
Hosted by the school's...
Jeremiah Wardell answered questions about how to best support the education of his son, Parkview Elementary School third-grader Braiden White. On big poster boards,...
Parkview Elementary students chattered excitedly while scooping trail mix and sealing plastic sandwich bags during a packing event for Kids Food Basket.
The students were...
Dometri Mitz was pretty impressed with the range of uses for 3D printers.
The Wyoming Regional Center eighth-grader had seen news reports about the technological...
Wyoming High School seniors Darren Dannah and Mitch Hendrickson know how to work a crowd.
During every Wyoming Wolves girls' and boys' varsity basketball home...
With toothpicks and miniature cups of glue priced at $500 apiece, Wyoming Intermediate School fifth-graders quickly learned that building a bridge with a $100,000...
Gladiola Elementary School students perfected line dances twirled, do-si-doed with their parents, and ate sweet treats at the annual Family Dance.
For families it was...
As a school social worker and black woman, Brooke Davis found a trend at Wyoming Junior High School distressing: The African-American girl population was...
For Brianna Salazar, swooshing her way downhill and between flags while skiing the giant slalom feels exhilarating.
"I love that experience. I never thought I'd...
When physical-education teacher Rebecca Flood was assigned to teach dance to junior high students, she knew how to square dance, but that was pretty...
Arlhyn Madrigal checked math homework and Delfina Hernandez played a game called "Buzz Math" on their Chromebooks in their sixth-grade Wyoming Intermediate School classroom.
The holiday season will bring books, books and more books to Wyoming Public Schools elementary buildings.
Oriole Park and Parkview elementary schools each is receiving...
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