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Fourth-grader Emilia Osburn, foreground right, thanks Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Mike Ramm for listening to her group’s presentation

Seniors Ava Garvon, left, who attends Jenison Innovation High, and Sadie Zink, homeschooled, look over a temperature gauge to a refrigeration system (courtesy)

Senior Ivy Baker said she loves that the Kelloggsville community has been so accepting of her and her personal style

The Black Student Alliance at City High Middle School: from left, seniors Jayden Burton, Miklet Mesay, Anna Wetzel, Elijah Jones, IMara Smith Skyers and Jayda Burton

MoCI teacher Samantha Klemm, surrounded by her students in her Sparta High School classroom (courtesy)

Diarra Gangazha, left, and Kimani Brame share information on the AP U.S. Government and Politics class